Tuesday, 25 September 2012

        I chose this review because its the review that had the most detail about the hunger games. In the review it talks about the main idea of the movie and what its about without ruining any of whats in the end of the movie. In the review it talks about all the main characters that are in the movie.

        What i think made it a good film review is that it talked about the plot and the setting of where the movie took place. Also i liked the music they chose for curtain parts of the movie, like for the parts that where very intense they had music to correspond. In the review it talked about how the book was more detailed then the movie. For this review they gave the movie a -A which i believe is a good mark for the movie.


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

7 seconds

I hear the crowd cheering, feet stomping in the bleachers. The ticking of the clock 7..6...5....4.....3, times slowing down. The flash backs going through my head like a film from a movie theater. Faces appear, plays that I have made start coming back into my head. All the pain and all the work I put into this sport, this is the moment. The moment I worked my whole life for.

    Tick...Tick...Tick, its all coming back. Arms and abs both burning. Years and years of doing the same thing everyday. Arms and abs in so much pain. Burns and burns more and more. Everything in my body seems to collapse, all the organs just seem, to shut down.

      My heart begins to beat faster and faster. I look at the scoreboard down by 2.  I put my foot on the three point line straightening up and the ball leaves my finger tips...The ball spins and its as if my world is spinning, around and around my world goes. I hear the horn go off the ball still spinning in mid-air closer and closer the ball gets to the hoop. Swish, the crowd begins to cheer, my ears ring from the screaming. I get swarmed by people like a crowd of blackflies. It’s over, all the hard work for that moment that last 7 seconds.